We decorated cookies the other night...well, I did and Allie watched, and Matt ate them! It is so fun to do things with Allikaye - everything is new for her! It gives you a new perspective on the joy found in the simplest things! She is 11 months old now - and amazing us more than ever! She doesn't walk any more... she runs! She is so fast that we are definitely on our toes baby proofing every square foot. Here are some of her favorite activities these days: emptying out the pantry, carrying around bags of fruit snacks, throwing balls as hard as she can, pulling on Tre, running, and laughing, laughing laughing... the best sound in the world!!
First time wearing mittens! She actually kept them on for awhile...unlike any socks or shoes!
This was my shirt when I was little...so retro! She is so dang cute!!!
18 hours ago
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